Monday, March 28, 2016

Entry #0 A Little Introduction Sounds Nice


So it would seem if you are reading this, you have found your way to my blog. Welcome internet traveler! Why not take a seat and make yourself comfortable. Want something to drink? Yes, okay, I will get that in a moment, but first allow me to introduce myself. My name is Justin, and you are just in time to hear my life story, ahem...(cues 'Rocky Balboa' theme song) 

Ha! Just kidding, that would be too much typing. How about I just tell you about me presently. In short, I am a dude who is taking classes at a community college and I hope to eventually get an engineering degree. And just what do I want to do after that you ask?! Well, make the world a better place of course.  Silly, I know, but I have to try. I have a few Ideas I am working on, but one of the fields I really want to work in is prosthetics. I also work full-time and do other stuff, but the aforementioned goal is my current focus.  

If something is important enough, you should try, even if you fail
Thusly, If you plan to be joining me for a while, you will more than likely be hearing me ramble on about cool technologies, engineering stuff and probably some community issues, but we shall see. Honestly, I plan to blog about whatever comes to mind as I go. So, expect the unexpected--these are my crudely quoted thoughts. And please feel free to comment and give your thoughts on whatever it is I am posting about as well. Thank you for visiting today!