Thursday, May 12, 2016

Entry #11 You Can Do This!

Did you know that 10/10 students in Prof. Chris’s first year English classes will have to write a blog? That’s right, like death and taxes, it cannot be avoided. Err, uh, what I meant to say is like sunshine in Arizona and rainbows after a midday storm… Anyways, contrary to what you may be feeling right now, the blog project is actually a very fun and educational assignment. Plus, it beats the heck out of writing essays. However, if you have never even read a blog before, let alone written one, you are doomed and will more than likely receive an F... I am of course kidding. As long as you take it seriously, you will do just fine. In fact, if you have just a moment, I would be willing to share a few pointers and offer some tips that I learned while working on the blogging assignment. Are you ready? 

Firstly, remember with the blog project and with anything you write, you are the author. It is your choice to decide how and what you write about, so do not hinder your writing by trying to do what everyone else is doing. I for one started in that direction. At the beginning of class you will more than likely analyze a bunch of blogs. The purpose being to give you some ideas of what a blog is and how it can be used. Some of them will talk about recipes or books and most of them seem to kind of specialize in one area. This is great if you are a professional chef or a life coach, however, for ye average student, it's kind of hard to produce a lot of interesting content in the same field. At the beginning of my blogging experience I had tried to keep a theme, but when I decided to let go and just write whatever I felt like and how I felt about it, it was liberating! And, that's how you will connect with your true writing voice. 

Secondly, always be thinking of blogging. If you are one of those people who kind of just goes with the flow and looks at things only at the surface level, you will find this project very difficult. I implore you to at least while you are working on this blog project, start analyzing even the smallest things you do throughout the day. It can be something as simple as an episode of Spongebob or a conversation you had with your friend. Analyze these things, make connections and then blog about it. After I started consciously doing this, I never had a time where I was not able come up with a blog entry. 
This guy has the right idea! 
Thirdly, this one kind of goes with the second. Dig deep, create relevance and push yourself at least to the point just before your head explodes--okay, maybe not that hard. The issue is that if you are not digging deep, you are probably not making the topic relevant or interesting to anyone. Nobody wants to read that you thought an episode of Spongebob was funny, leave those comments to Facebook. However, if you discus how compared to many of the other shows on T.V, Spongebob's inspiring and almost insanely optimistic outlook on life and lighthearted humor is what has lead the show to be so popular, well then now you may be onto something worth reading (maybe). My point is that you have to push beyond the surface to create significance for your readers. 

Fourthly, make it purty! No one wants to come to your blog and see just a whole block of words. Separate your points, add pictures that illustrate or add to what you are saying and of course the occasional link and YouTube video doesn't hurt. Blogger makes it so easy to add these things and they really back up your points. Think of your ethos! 

Okay, I know I only asked for a moment, so fifthly and then I will wrap it up. For the love of dog keep on top of your work! If only I had followed this advice I may not have shaved so many years off of my life with countless energy drinks and loss of sleep. Prof. Chris will warn you that even though blog posts are not due but every few weeks, you should still keep on top of them. Please listen to this man, he know what he is talking about! No matter what you say, it becomes so much harder to write when you are under stress . And, when you are writing a blog post under the haze of RedBull, the work that is produced makes your audience cry.. in pain--not in a touching way! 

In the end, as it is with all of your schooling, you are supposed to be learning something from this. I know that it has taught me a lot. Thanks to working on this project I have been able to find my writing voice. I have also learned how to better express and develop my thoughts in writing. While I know I am still a little rough around the edges, I feel confident that I can express my thoughts and opinions.  If I want to write a witty post about Spongebob or cats, I can do that! If I want to write an article arguing for change, I can do that! AND, if I want to write to the American people why I should be the next President of the U.S.A, I CAN DO THAT! AND SO CAN YOU! 

All right young Padawan, now go forth and be a great blogger!

Thank you all, especially you Prof.Chris! Have a wonderful summer! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the entertaining final entry, Justin. It really has been cool to watch your voice, confidence and blog develop into what it has. Nicely done. I think you should keep at it!
